North Canterbury RTLB Complaints Procedure
To provide a transparent process with the steps to follow, when there is an unresolved issue or complaint about the RTLB service, an individual RTLB or an issue in a school RTLB are currently working in.
• Maintain positive relationships
• Meet with parties directly. Attempt to resolve the concern.
• To resolve issues in a restorative way.
• Dialogue between all parties concerned has taken place. This may include – students, parents, caregivers, teachers /staff of cluster schools, Principals/SENCOs, RTLB and other agencies.
• Clear documentation – including dates of meetings/agreements made.
• Management of RTLB Service and school concerned is informed of all issues or complaints.
• A mutually agreed external mediator may be used.
• An independent investigator may be used.
Procedures for Parents/Caregivers/Whānau/Students
1. Contact the RTLB teacher involved and a discussion takes place.
2. If preferred or the issue is not resolved, contact the Principal of child’s school.
3. If the issue is not resolved contact the Cluster Manager in writing.
4. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School Principal* in writing
5. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School BOT in writing.
Procedures for Teachers/Staff in Cluster Schools
1. Contact the RTLB teacher involved and a discussion takes place.
2. If preferred or the issue is not resolved, contact the Principal of own school.
3. If the issue is not resolved contact the Cluster Manager in writing.
4. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School Principal* in writing
5. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School BOT in writing.
Procedures for Principals/Cluster Schools
1. Contact the RTLB teacher involved and a discussion takes place.
2. If the issue is not resolved contact the Cluster Manager in writing.
3. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School Principal* in writing
4. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School BOT in writing.
Procedures for RTLB Teachers
1. Contact the teacher involved and discussion takes place.
2. If the issue is not resolved contact the Cluster Manager in writing.
3. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School Principal* in writing
4. If the issue is not resolved contact the Lead School BOT in writing.
• Lead School Principal is Jason Miles, Kaiapoi North School, 278 Williams Street, Kaiapoi,
03 3278803